The Reluctant Barbarian written by John Haas

By John haas

The Reluctant Barbarian

Arthur Jenkins would have been happy to live his life the way it was until he finally died, but the angel in his office has different ideas. He’s there to grant a wish Arthur made as a kid, and it’s a doozy. It’s also a wish he doesn’t want in the slightest. After all, what grown man would want to be a barbarian hero? Seriously! Whether he wants it or not, Arthur is getting that wish granted. Angels have quotas too, you know. Join Arthur, Dead Mike and Valeria the Paladin on a quest across the land, having unwanted adventures while looking for a comfy place to sit..

By John haas

The Wayward Spider

All Spider wants is to seek his fortune as a thief. Is that too much to ask? Must be, since a break in gone wrong leaves him babysitting a powerful magic-user with sporadic control over his spells, and even less of a grip on functioning in society. And…

The Wayward Spider
The Unavoidable Quests

The Unavoidable Quests

Even harder when that task is forced on two groups of heroes who have just met, neither of which really wants the job.  Heck, each group isn’t even sure how much they like their new companions, except for Dead Mike and Graves, of course. They’re…


“Highly Recommend – This book had me devouring the pages and not wanting to put it down. A great read for those who enjoy the fantastic horror genre!” Amazon Reader, Vinodie

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